Buenassss Nochessss!!! Ya saben todos porqué estamos acá, verdad?
Porque quiero postear otro sueño mío con Hi-5 (y aún faltan más). Asíque vámonos volando a Kirby's Dream Land.
NOTA: En éste sueño yo sólo era un espectador, ó sea, nadie podía verme ni oirme ni hablarme ni tocarme ni olerme.
Inicio del sueño. Estaba yo (ahora yo sí era yo, eh!) enmedio de un bosque, en donde estaban Shaun y Kimee jugando bien divertidos. De repente Karla se acerca a ellos y les pregunta que si quieren jugar con ella.
Pues Shaun y Kimee le dijeron que no, y la pobre de Karla se fue muy triste de ahí.
Ay! que feo sentí por la pobre de Karla que la seguí a ver qué hacía, y llegó a un pantano con mucho lodo, se quitó los zapatos y se metió al pantano a jugar ahí y movía sus dedos de los pies muy divertidamente.
Entonces yo sentí alivio y consuelo por Karla porque estaba feliz jugando en el pantano. Y de repente que se aparecieron Shaun y Kimee y le preguntaron a Karla si podían jugar con ella. Yo pensé que Karla los iba a mandar al carajo, pero no, Karla les dijo que sí, y entonces Shaun y Kimee se quitaron los zapatos y se metieron al pantano a jugar con Karla, y fueron muy felizes. Fin del Sueño.
Y ahora les van mis preguntas: Qué siginifica mi sueño? Porqué ahora no ví a Curtis (ni a Jenn) en mi sueño? Porqué Karla pudiendose vengar no lo hizo? Y porque en un pantano?
Espero sus respuestas
Saludotes, abrazotes y besotes
Sweet Dreams, de todo Corazón:
Arthur, el chico soñador de la Argentina
Good Night!!! You all know what you are doing here, right? So then, come and Dream with me.
I wanna post another Dream I had with American Hi-5 (and there are even more waiting to be posted here), so, let's go flying to Kirby's Dream Land.
NOTE: Now, in this dream I was only a spectator, I mean, No one could see me, or smell me, or talk to me, or hear me, or touch me.
Dream entrance. I was (now I was myself, eh!) in the middle of a forest, and there were Shaun and Kimee, playing very funny. Suddenly, Karla approached to them and asked them if they wanted to play with her.
Well, Shaun and Kimee said no, and then, poor Karla, she got away from there very sad.
Auch! I also felt sad about Karla, so I decided to follow her to see what she was doing. Then, Karla reached a marsh with lots of mud, she took away her shoes and got into the marsh to play, and she was moving her toes in a very funny way.
And I felt relieved and consoled 'cause Karla was happy, playing in the marsh. And suddenly, Shaun and Kimee appeared at the marsh and asked Karla if they could play with her. I thought Karla was about to send them away (down the tubes), but she didn't. Karla said yes, and Shaun and Kimee took away their shoes and got into the marsh to play with Karla, and they were happy forever. Dream Exit.
Now I'll show my questions: What does my Dream mean? Why didn't Curtis (and Jenn) appeared in my Dream? Why didn't Karla take revenge even if she could? And why did they play in a marsh?
I wait for your suggested answers and your comments.
Big greetings, big hugs and big kisses.
sweet Dreams, from the bottom of my Heart:
Arthur, the dreamer boy from Argentina